Beginners Psychic Workshop
I am excited to announce my new Psychic Workshop
10.30 – 4.30pm – Contact Sharona for Dates
I will be guiding new students to tap into their abilities, learn to grow and explore the world of spirit.
Learn how to ground, meditate and connect with your energy, open and restore our beliefs, practice to use our new gifts and just spend the day with like-minded people in a safe environment.
Special price of £50 includes lunch* and refreshments bring things to share.
Confirm via phone or email and I let you know further details

Psychic, Meet & Greet Group
6.30pm-8.30pm or 11-2.30pm 5pm-7.30pm will be running fortnightly – Contact Sharona for Dates
Come to healing, meditation, chat, treatments, and laughter with like-minded people.
Open to all for those wishing to connect with people, learn, be guided.
It’s not about healing but coming together as Spiritual minded connecting to our family within all of us
Donations from £5.00
Refreshments and tea

Vision Board Workshop
10:00am-4:00pm – Contact Sharona for Dates
Are you ready for a new direction? Need positive in your life or a new career, relationship, money, better health may be just feeling stuck why not create a Vision Board a powerful technique to manifest in your goals and refresh your inner self to the purpose of your journey.
Come along be creative have fun meet liked people and manifest those goals!
We shall be doing meditation to connect with our Higher Self with light intentions.
Please feel to share but all materials supplied with refreshments.
Places are limited!

Client Review:
“Wow! Just attended. my and psychic workshop and what can I say ? .. EXcellent! Learning and developing spiritually but in a fun and relaxed way. Easy to learn when you have no pressure and a Fab teacher full of knowledge and experience, Can’t wait for the next one Thank you!!”